Alaska's Department of Natural Resources - Division of Agriculture is accepting applications for the Microgrants for Food Security Program 2022 Offering, and Request for Proposals for Specialty Crop Block Grants 2022.
This periodical was published in 2018, that evaluates and analyzes the food security concerning traditional foods.​
“The Alaska Food Policy Council: Goal is to create a healthier, more secure, and more self-reliant Alaska by improving our food system.”
Newly launched in 2020, this working group was born, focusing on Native and traditional foods. The working group is still in's infancy, meeting with various members throughout Alaska's communities.
“Alaska Village Initiatives' AgAlaska affords rural villages support and resources needed to begin community gardening, farming, and ranching.”
“University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Program serves some 50,000 Alaskans annually, providing a link between Alaska's diverse people and communities by interpreting and extending relevant university, research-based knowledge in an understandable and usable form to the public.”
“Healthy eating and food security are important building blocks of health. ANTHC helps promote the knowledge and use of traditional foods and traditional ways that support Alaska Native health.”
Alaska Pioneer Fruit Growers Association
“The Alaska Pioneer Fruit Growers Association shares in and benefits from the personal experience of successful fruit growing in Alaska and seeks to educate any person(s) interested in fruit growing.”
“The ALASKA Food Hub is an aggregator and online marketplace of locally grown, harvested, and produced foods and crafts.”
“The Sustainable Southeast Partnership (SSP) is a diverse network of tribal governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals working together to reach cultural, ecological, and economic prosperity for our communities and region.”
“First Alaskans Institute helps develop the capacities of Alaska Native people and their communities to meet the social, economic and educational challenges of the future while fostering positive relationships among all segments of our society.”
Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL) CAP's Growing Rural Opportunities for Wellness (GROW) Program bolsters the food security of rural Alaska communities by providing funding and technical assistance to community gardens and local food security projects.
Many NRCS programs have been leveraged by Alaska Native landowners to accomplish the goals related to conservation and restoration
The Alaska Division of Agriculture has many programs and resources available to Alaskan producers.

Tikaan hosting a plant identification workshop on Alaska native plants.

Harvesting berries in the tundra

Juniper berries, spruce sap, and chaga all starting the dehydration process.

Tikaan hosting a plant identification workshop on Alaska native plants.